Mr. Dao Dinh Trong

Mr. Dao Dinh Trong

Mr. Dao Dinh Trong is a highly skilled and experienced attorney with a broad range of expertise in the areas of foreign investment, corporate and commerce. He has advised multinational companies on the legal and regulatory implications of establishing and operating businesses in Vietnam, including conducting legal due diligence and advising on merger and acquisition transactions. He has also directed major assignments for foreign banks in the transition from branch structures to wholly foreign-owned banks in Vietnam, as well as providing legal advice and licensing procedures.


Mr. Trong specializes in assisting foreign investors with investment structuring and setting up subsidiaries in Vietnam, and has extensive experience in assisting foreign banks with establishing their business presence in the country. He has successfully advised on the establishment of a number of 100% foreign-owned banks, branches and representative offices, including clients such as HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, ANZ, Taipei Fubon Bank, DBS and RHB Bank.


Mr. Trong holds a Bachelor of Law from Hanoi Law University, a Bachelor of Economics from National Economics University and a Bachelor of Arts from Hanoi University of Foreign Studies, with a major in English.